En - Приморская ГСХА

Primorsky State Agrarian-Technological University

Primorskaya State Academy of Agriculture

The rector of the University is Andrei Eduardovich Komin, Candidate of Sciences, and Corresponding Member of International Academy of Agrarian Education.
Primorskaya State Agricultural Institute was founded on the 1st of October, 1957 on the basis of Yaroslavskiy Institute of Agriculture (1944). In 2023 it got the status of the University and became Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Primorsky State Agrarian-Technological University”.

TheUniversity consists of four institutes:

  • Land Management and agrotechnologies Institute trains specialists in agronomy; technology of farm produce production and processing; agroecology, land management and cadastre and economy. At the disposal of the institute there is an experimental training field (300 ha).

  • Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Institute trains specialists in animal science, veterinary medicine, veterinary-sanitary expertise. At the disposal of the institute there is a veterinary clinic, animal disease diagnostic center, an apiary and a back-court.

  • Forestry Institute trains specialists in bachelor degree (forest science, biology: game management) and in master degree (forest science). The institute has forest farm (29 000ha) and nursery garden of 11ha.

  • Engineering Institute trains specialists in agroengineering, environmental engineering and water use.

After graduating from the institutes students have a possibility to continue their education at the post-graduate course of the University.

At present about 3200 full time and more than 1900 students on correspondence are trained at the University.

There are 30 departments at the University and more than 10 structural divisions; among them there is the Experimental and Training Farm which has 300 ha of arable land and Forestry Farm with 29.000 ha of the first category forests and also there is diagnostic center of animal diseases and veterinary clinic.

The process of training and education involves about 376 teachers; among them there are academicians (21 members of different Academies), 25 honored workers of Higher Education, 39 doctors (professors), and 180 candidates of sciences (associate professors).

The structure of educational process is always being developed in the University. Rating and credit systems are being involved in the educational process. Students’ knowledge assessment is being done by tests and computer technologies.
At the moment our University develops international relations with both with neighboring countries (China, Mongolia, Laos and others).

The students of the University have all possibilities to receive additional qualification of “Interpreter of English in the sphere of professional communication”.

Annually academy specialists take part in international scientific conferences, workshops, fairs, exhibitions in its turn foreign specialists make reports and read lectures for the students and the faculty of our University.

Our address:
44 Bluhera st., Ussuriisk, Russian Federation, 692510
Tel/Fax: + 007 (4234) 26-54-60



