Diagnostic center - Приморская ГСХА

Animal diseases diagnostic center

Head – candidate of veterinarian science, associate professor Korotkova Irina Pavlovna

tel.: +7(4234)26-54-70, e-mail:

Specialists of the center hold forensic and veterinary examinations of wild animals, perform a thanatopsy, form and issue the decisions of productive and nonproductive animals condition, carry out examinations of domestic and exotic animals. Specialists of the center collaborate with Amur Tiger Center, Primorskiy oceanarium, national park “Land of Leopard”, some nature reserves and international societies (WCS, WWF, LZS). Practical classes on operative surgery, forensic and medical expertise, cytology and embryology are taken in the Animal disease diagnostic center. The center is also the base for further education courses on biological, forensic and veterinary examinations of wild animals, their morphology and physiology etc.

International summer school “Tracking tiger” and “Forest management in the south of the Russian Far East” are held on the base of the center annually.


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